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Choice of station Choice of station: You have a choice of more than 400 meteorological stations covering Southern Europe and North Africa, as well as the French over seas territories.They are classified by country and then, in case, by region.
Country Station
Selected station :  Latitude : 
Cold water temperature
Defined DHW consumption
  T (°C)Cold water T (°C)Produced hot water Volume (l/d)Produced hot water
yearly average
Total year      
Hydrualic loop
DHW production schematic  
Installation type Installation type:It is possible to choose between 5 system types :
  • Forced circulation, separate heat exchanger
    This offers the greatest freedom in installation design and obtains the best results. It is obligatory for large collective installations.
  • Forced circulation, with a heat exchanger
    The collectors can be separated from the storage tank. This system is needed whenever there is a risk of freezing or when the water is corrosive. For individual or small collective systems.
  • Forced circulation without a heat exchanger
    The collectors can be separated from the storage tank. It is limited to systems where there is no risk of freezing or corrosive water. For individual or small collective systems.
  • Indirect thermosyphon
    With a heat exchanger, it is limited to small installations where there is a risk of freezing. The storage tank is always above and close to the collectors.
  • Direct thermosyphon
    Without a heat exchanger, it is limited to small installations where there is no risk of freezing. The storage tank is always above and close to the collectors.
  • Primary loop Exchanger
    Recirculation flow rate m3/h
    Maxi DeltaT for recirculation °C
    Yearly recirculation heat losses MWh/year
    Solar storage
    External T (°C) around the solar tank Total volume liters Cooling constant Wh/day.l°K T° maxi °C
    Detailed storage values Unitary volume liters Number of tanks Insulation Lambda for insulation W/m/K Insulation thickness cm
    Solar collectors Collectors: The figures can be found by choosing a collector in the given list of products. The "Avis Technique" is a test certificate delivered by the CSTB, it is obligatory in France.

    Coefficients &nuo, a1 and a2 (Solo CSTB): These coefficients refer to French standards for collector testing :
  • B: optical efficiency of the collector (maximum efficiency without heating).
  • K: heat loss coefficient in W/°C.m2

  • B: optical efficiency of the collector (maximum efficiency without heating).
  • K: heat loss coefficient in W/°C.m2

  • Coefficients B and K (Solo CSTB): These coefficients refer to French standards for collector testing :
  • B: optical efficiency of the collector (maximum efficiency without heating).
  • K: heat loss coefficient in W/°C.m2

  • Choose a solar collector
    Define a collector by its coefficients n0, a1 and a2
    coefficient n0 coefficient a1 W/m²/K  coefficient a2 W/m²/K 
    Define a collector by its coefficients B and K
    coefficient B coefficient K W/m²/K 
    Collector tilt angle  °/Horiz. Collector slant:For use throughout the year, the general rule is as follows : Slant = Lat + 10° and the slant can be increased by + 15° if the use is mainly in winter.The slant can be reduced by 15° for summer use. In the South of France as in the North of Spain and Italy, one obtains :
    Annual use : slant = 45° from horizontal
    winter : slant = 60°
    summer : slant = 30°
    Azimuth  °/ Collector orientation: The best orientation is South (in Notrh hemisphere), with a possible tolerance of 15 ° to the East or the West.Wider variations can cause an important drop in performance.
    In order to take into account possible masks, I want to capture my sunshine data
    in the collector plane. The default values
    tilt and azimuth will be displayed
    Useful area  m2
    Number of solar collectors
    Total aperture area  m2
    Short recirculation loop well insulated
    Aperture area: The aperture area is the maximum projected area through which unconcentrated solar radiation enters a flat plate collector and the sum of the projected areas for a vacuum tube collector. It is different from the gross collector area which is the maximum projected area of a complete solar collector, including the lateral insulation. The difference is important when comparing the performance of several collector types.
    One can choose between 1 and 2 m2 of collector area for an average hot water consumption of 100 l/day.